Flu vaccines and the new updated COVID-19 vaccines are available for eligible residents

As the winter season approaches, KFL&A Public Health emphasizes the significant importance of getting a flu and new COVID-19 vaccine, to protect yourself and loved ones. High-risk individuals are eligible now.
The flu vaccine will maximize protection against the influenza virus, which is known to cause severe illness and result in hospitalization or even death among previously healthy children, older adults, or pregnant individuals. It is also important to stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines. The new XBB- targeting vaccine will help to prevent severe outcomes due to COVID-19.
“The region continues to be at high-risk for COVID-19. Influenza is also expected to begin circulating over the coming months. Getting vaccinated is the best way to keep yourself safe from these viruses," said Brian Larkin, Manager, Vaccine Preventable Disease at KFL&A Public Health. "We encourage everyone to make sure they're up to date with their flu and COVID-19 shots. It’s important to use all the tools in our toolbox, like staying home if we're not feeling well, washing our hands often, making sure our vaccinations are up to date, covering our mouth and nose with our elbow when we cough or sneeze, and wearing masks when recovering from illness or when it is right for you and people you interact with. These actions help keep our community safe and healthy.”
Given that it takes approximately two weeks post-vaccination to establish immunity against influenza and COVID-19. It is safe and strongly recommended to receive both vaccines at the same time.
Both vaccines are accessible at participating primary care offices and pharmacies.
For those under two years of age or 65 years of age or older, KFL&A Public Health is offering appointments. Please book online at kflaph.ca/Vaccine or call 613-549-1232.
We recommend that all KFL&A area residents, not just the young and the elderly, get immunized when eligible. COVID-19 and flu shots for the general public aged six months and older will be available starting October 30 at participating primary care offices and pharmacies.