Sexual health
Sexual health is an important part of your overall health and well-being. KFL&A Public Health provides information about contraception, sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections and can help direct you to information on safe sex practices.
We provide a caring, non-judgmental experience over the phone and in person at our Quick Test Clinics.
View options for accessing sexual health services in KFL&A on our sexual health clinics page
Where can I get a PAP test |
KFL&A Public Health does not offer PAP tests. Please speak with your health care provider about getting your PAP test. If you do not have a health care provider and are due for a pap test, you can book an appointment with Kingston Midtown Health Home. The South East Regional Cancer Program also offers PAP testing in the KFL&A region. |
Sexual orientation |
Everyone should be able to express their feelings without being scared of being treated unfairly, bullied, or attacked. For non-judgmental and confidential support visit Rainbow Health Ontario, It Gets Better Canada or Youthline. |
Healthy relationships |
Healthy relationship skills are important for sexual health, no matter how long or how well people know each other. Knowing the warning signs of unhealthy relationships and abuse is also important for taking care of your health and well-being. |
Intimate partner violence |
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) includes all forms of violence that happen within an intimate partner relationship, including by a former partner. The violence can be physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, or financial. Other words used for this form of violence include domestic abuse, spousal violence, woman abuse, and dating violence. Support is available for those experiencing intimate partner violence in Kingston and Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, and in northern areas of KFL&A. Help is also available for Indigenous women as well as in French and over 200 languages. The Kingston Frontenac Anti-Violence Coordinating Committee (FACC) IPV Survivors Handbook Resource Guide provides safety information and lists of community resources in the City of Kingston and County of Frontenac. Sexual Assault Centre Kingston provides free, confidential and non-judgemental support for all survivors of sexual assault. Male survivors of sexual abuse can access 24-7 support by calling 1-866-887-0015. Gender-based violence is any act of violence that is perpetrated based on someone's gender, gender expression, gender identity, or perceived gender. Young women face high levels of gender-based violence. Get advice on the most common gender-based violence issues facing young people, based on real searches from across Canada. |
Consent |
Canada’s law requires consent for sexual activities. Consent means that everyone involved in a sexual activity is willingly and freely engaging. Sexual activity without consent is sexual assault – a type of sexual violence. People cannot give consent if they are impaired by alcohol or other substances, sleeping, or unconscious. The legal age of sexual consent is 16 years of age. |