KFL&A Public Health reminds residents to ensure up-to-date measles immunizations

KFL&A Public Health is encouraging all residents to ensure they are up-to-date on their measles immunizations, following an increase in measles cases globally.
Measles is a highly contagious viral infection with symptoms including red rash, fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes and fatigue. It spreads through the air and close contact, such as breathing, coughing or sneezing. Vaccines are highly effective in preventing the spread of measles.
“Most people in the KFL&A region are immune to measles as a result of past illness or as a result of being immunized against measles,” said Dr. Piotr Oglaza, medical officer of health at KFL&A Public Health. “Although the risk of contracting measles is low, it is important that we are immunized to safeguard public health.” The best protection against measles is immunization with two doses of a measles-containing vaccine.
Due to high levels of measles circulating before 1970, those born before 1970 are generally presumed to have acquired immunity due to infection in their childhood. Anyone born in 1970 or later who has not had measles or been vaccinated with two doses of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) can become infected.
KFL&A Public Health recommends that residents check their own immunization records and that of their families. All travelers are encouraged to review immunization records prior to travel. If measles immunization is not up-to-date, get immunized at least two weeks ahead of travel date. Infants six to 11 months of age who are travelling to areas with measles transmission should receive one dose of measles vaccine. Individuals with one dose of measles vaccine should consult their healthcare provider prior to travel.
The measles vaccine, typically administered as part of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine series, is safe, effective and available through your health care provider. If you do not have a healthcare provider, you may be able to receive the vaccine at a KFL&A Public Health clinic.
For more information about measles and vaccination, visit kflaph.ca/Measles.