KFL&A Board of Health Chair and Vice-Chair re-elected for 2016
For immediate release
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
KFL&A Board of Health Chair and Vice-Chair re-elected for 2016
Kingston—The KFL&A Board of Health has re-elected Mr. Charles Simonds as Chair and Mr. Ian Wilson as Vice-Chair as its officials for 2016.
“I am honoured to have been re-elected as the Chair of this influential and passionate Board,” said Mr. Simonds, a resident of Battersea. “I am proud to serve the residents of the KFL&A area and pleased to be associated with an agency that provides such a diverse and wonderful range of programs and services to promote and to protect health. I wish to thank all of the Board of Health members for their hard work and strong support of KFL&A Public Health and, in particular, the staff of the agency for their dedication in providing the highest possible quality of public health services for our community.”
Mr. Simonds is a graduate of both RMC and Queen's in Chemical Engineering. He served for over 37 years in the Canadian Armed Forces until his retirement in 1989. After his retirement, he and his wife returned to the Kingston area, where he has served in a variety of ways in the health care system, developing a strong interest in governance. Mr. Simonds has been a member of the Board of Health since 2007 and served as Chair since 2013.
Mr. Ian Wilson is an order-in-council appointee and community representative to the Board of Health. Mr. Wilson previously served on the Board of Health as a municipal representative of Lennox and Addington County and served as Chair of the Board from 1992 to 1993. He has served as Vice-Chair since the latter part of 2014.
Mr. Wilson has extensive health care related experience. He was the campaign chair of the $72 million “Together We Can” campaign for Hotel Dieu Hospital, Providence Care, and Kingston General Hospital. Mr. Wilson served on the board of directors of Kingston General Hospital, including two years as chair of the Board. He is currently Chair of the Board of the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation, the fundraising body for Kingston General, Hotel Dieu, and Providence Care Hospitals. He was a member of the board of the District Health Council, and was a founding member of the South East Local Health Integration Network.
Other members of the Board of Health for 2016 include: Councillor Richard Allen (City of Kingston), Florence Campbell (community appointee), Mayor Denis Doyle (County of Frontenac), Wes Garrod (community appointee), Mayor Bill Lowry (County of Lennox & Addington), Councillor Jeff McLaren (City of Kingston), and Councillor Peter Stroud (City of Kingston).