Message from the KFL&A Board of Health
The KFL&A Board of Health is extremely proud that Dr. Kieran Moore has been selected as Ontario’s new Chief Medical Officer of Health (pending approval by the Provincial Legislature). We want to congratulate and thank Dr. Moore for everything he has done for the communities of Kingston, Frontenac, and Lennox & Addington. We are deeply grateful to have had his guidance, tireless service, and unwavering leadership during this pandemic, and throughout his 10-year career at KFL&A Public Health.
Dr. Moore has been at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic, always thinking several steps ahead as he has done with many other public health programs in his portfolio, such as Lyme disease, Opioids, and Informatics, just to mention a few. When the COVID-19 pandemic first surfaced in December 2019, he was already planning for the worst. Acting quickly, Dr. Moore worked closely with other sectors of the health care system to organize a joint meeting with well over 100 health care professionals from across the region to address the immediate actions that needed to be taken by primary care providers, frontline health care workers, long term care home administrators, municipalities, and many more to prevent the spread of this virus and to keep our communities safe.
As the pandemic progressed, we saw Dr. Moore continue to take decisive actions based on the best science available, including early mandating of face coverings, closing businesses to limit outbreaks, and proactively communicating to our partners and the public on what we all had to do to safely move forward. This was often done long before other jurisdictions across Ontario acted, resulting in our region being one of the safest places to be throughout the pandemic.
We would be remiss, and I know Dr. Moore will agree, while he deserves credit for our success during the pandemic this simply could not have happened without the hard work and support of the exceptional KFL&A Public Health staff, our partners in other sectors of the health system and business community, the excellent support, and ongoing input from the 11 municipalities across our region who financially support the agency and are ultimately responsible for governance, and last, but not least the public for adhering to public health measures to keep our region and each other safe.
Over the next few weeks, the focus of the KFL&A Board of Health will be to recruit a new Medical Officer of Health so the successes of KFL&A Public Health can continue. We want to reassure the community that despite the ongoing pandemic, operations at KFL&A Public Health will not be affected. In the interim, Linda Murray, Director of Corporate Services will become the acting Chief Executive Officer and Dr. Hugh Guan will be appointed full time to the Associate Medical Officer of Health position to provide additional support to the agency while we take enough time to select the best possible replacement.
Although it is difficult for our agency to see Dr. Moore leave, we know now that the entire province can benefit from his leadership that the region of Kingston, Frontenac, and Lennox & Addington has had all along.
Congratulations Dr. Moore! We wish you well in your new role.
Denis Doyle
Chair, KFL&A Board of Health