Soccer leagues awarded for promoting healthier choices
KINGSTON—The Frontenac Soccer Association and Greater Napanee Soccer Club have each won a $500 gift card to Canadian Tire to be used towards new soccer equipment for having the highest number of teams participating in KFL&A Public Health's Super Snacks Challenge.
Soccer leagues, coaches and parents in KFL&A were invited in May 2018 to participate in the Super Snacks Challenge by pledging to bring veggies, fruit, and water as a sideline snack during games to replace sugary snack foods and drinks. Tracy McDonough, KFL&A Public Health Registered Dietitian said that oftentimes, children are offered sugary snacks and drinks such as juice, sports drinks, cookies, and ice cream following sports practices or games. “These ‘treats’ have become the norm for children’s snacks, yet don’t provide nutrients needed for healthy growth and development. Replacing sugary snacks and drinks with fruit, veggies and water, provides children with nutrients their active bodies need, and helps keep the focus on enjoying the sport,” she said. “The Super Snacks Challenge not only provided an opportunity for soccer leagues to win money towards new equipment, but we hope that it also helped spread the message that kids don’t need to be given sugary snacks to enjoy sports.”
The Frontenac Soccer Association had six teams and the Greater Napanee Soccer Club had two teams that pledged to bring in healthier snacks during games. All registered teams for the Super Snacks Challenge received a promotional package, including reusable water bottles, certificates of participation for each player, and the option to have their team’s photo printed in a local newspaper.
KFL&A Public Health wishes to thank all who participated by making positive changes to the environments where children learn and play.