Superior Court of Justice order for closure of J.A.K.K. Tuesdays Sports Pub executed
On Saturday, November 13, 2021, with the combined efforts of the Sheriff of Frontenac County, Kingston Police Force and KFL&A Public Health, the closure requirement in the Superior Court of Justice order for J.A.K.K. Tuesdays Sports Pub was executed.
On Thursday, November 03, 2021, Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health at KFL&A Public Health issued an Order pursuant to Section 22 of the Ontario Health Protection and Promotion Act to J.A.K.K. Tuesdays Sports Pub Inc. to comply with COVID safety measures and remove signage promoting non-compliance, or close. The Order was issued to decrease or eliminate the risk of COVID-19 transmission at the food establishment and ultimately, in our community. The establishment did not comply with the requirements of the Order.
The doors of J.A.K.K. Tuesdays Sports Pub are closed until the matter is heard by the Court.
Resources for business owners and operators
Local business owners or operators who have questions about current regulations are invited to visit KFL&A Public Health's Guidance for Businesses and Workplaces webpage or call the provincial Stop the Spread Business Information Line at 1-888-444-3659. Guidance to help businesses operate more safely during COVID-19 is also available at
Residents who have a concern about non-compliance of COVID-19 guidance, can submit a complaint using KFL&A Public Health's non-compliance form.