Active school travel and pedestrian safety
Children's health and well-being is improved by walking, wheeling, or taking the bus all or part way to school. For parents and children to feel comfortable using active transportation they must feel confident that the trip will be safe and convenient. Teaching students how to be safe as pedestrians is a component of this process. Pedestrian safety skills will also help make school drop off and pick up times safer overall and build foundational skills in active travel that children will use throughout their lives.
Resources from KFL&A Public health to download or print
Coming soon!
Classroom resources
Resources | Grade level |
Road Smarts “Walk Safe” Lessons
The Ottawa Safety Council has created a series of downloadable curriculum linked Teacher Modules for Kindergarten through Grade 5 to support the teaching of Pedestrian safety skills. Educators in the KFL&A Region have been granted permission to access and use the modules available for download on the Ottawa Safety Council Website.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Road Smarts “Walk Safe” e-cademy
the Ottawa Safety council has created a gamified series of e-modules to support student learning of pedestrian safety skills. Educators in the KFL&A Region have been granted permission to access and use the e-cademy available on the Ottawa Safety Council Website.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Ontario Active School Travel
Ontario Active School Travel has a variety of resources for fun events, planning, and advocacy if you are looking to learn more about Active school travel or are interested in a more cohesive all school approach to increasing active school travel.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Body image
Tips for teaching about body image
- Teach students that our body image and confidence can be influenced by many factors such as: friends, educators, parents, social media, their physical environment, and their social environment.
- Help students to understand that all bodies are good bodies.
- Encourage them to accept their bodies and care for them by practicing habits that will keep them mentally and physically well, including being kind to themselves.
Resources from KFL&A Public health to download or print
Coming soon!
Classroom resources
Resources | Grade level |
NEDIC Beyond Images
A free curriculum that provides students with the opportunity to explore key issues in society around body image and self-esteem as well as media messaging, while developing critical thinking skills. Also available in French.
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Dove Self-Esteem Project: Confident Me
Specially created teaching resources designed to enable teachers to run their own in-class workshops, to help young girls and boys understand more about self-esteem and body confidence.
Junior (Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Media Smarts
Search tool to find lesson plans, tip sheets, and other resources on various media topics, including body image.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Bullying and relationships
Bullying can take on many forms, all of which can cause immediate and long-lasting harm to a child’s physical, emotional, social and mental health. School staff can help promote healthy relationships and reduce bullying by:
- Helping students develop healthy communication, relationship, and social-emotional skills through classroom curricula and activities.
- Role modelling healthy relationship skills and creating a safe classroom environment.
- Promoting a whole school approach to preventing bullying by developing and maintaining positive and inclusive environments for all students.
- Being aware of the signs of bullying and its dangers to student health.
- Intervening immediately and consistently when bullying behaviours occur and being aware of how to support students who are being bullied as well as students who are bullying.
Classroom resources
Resources | Grade level |
Everyday Practices to Build Healthy Relationship Skills – School Mental Health Ontario
A collection of classroom practices educators can use to promote positive relationships and inclusion amongst students. This resource helps educators incorporate themes of being a good friend, being respectful, acts of kindness, resolving conflict, listening, and practicing empathy into the classroom through fun and easy to implement activities.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Kindness in the Classroom
A free CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning) approved 36-week (one 30 to 45min lesson per week) curriculum for educators to teach social-emotional skills and help create a culture of kindness and positive relationships amongst students. Includes lesson plans, book lists, training materials, and classroom activities.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Media Smarts
Free lesson kits to help educators address issues related to cyberbullying, including differences in online vs offline communication, cyberbullying and the law, creating positive online cultures, and ways to manage privacy online.
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Roots of Empathy
An evidence-based classroom program designed to increase empathy and pro-social behaviours and reduce aggressive and bullying behaviours in children. Program involves having a Roots of Empathy Trainer and volunteer family visit the classroom throughout the course of several months to help develop skills of perspective-taking and emotional literacy.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
The Fourth R. Healthy Relationships Plus Program
Evidence-based classroom and small-group programs to teach healthy communication and relationship skills, and reduce violence, bullying, unsafe sexual behaviour and substance use. Classroom program is curriculum aligned. Program requires purchase, however, may be available through some school boards. Contact your school board or assigned PHN for more information.
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8) |
Additional resources
- Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network - PREVNet - PREVNet’s website offers students, parents and educators extensive information on bullying, cyberbullying and teen dating violence.
- Bullying Facts and Solutions - PREVNet - Provides key facts about bullying and practical solutions on how to stop this behaviour.
- Healthy Relationships Training Module for educators. - PREVnet
- Egale - A Canadian organization that raises awareness and provides resources for 2SLGBTQI issues. Includes resources for educators to build more inclusive schools, as well as training materials and workshops for topics such as Cyberbullying and 2SLGBTQI youth and reducing transphobic violence in schools.
- Kids Help Phone - This resource is designed for use by students. Includes helpful resources on bullying and peer relations, as well as live chat and call features with trained professionals for students requiring additional support.
- Safe@School - a provincial project led by the Ontario Teachers’ Federation. Includes online professional learning modules on youth empowerment, bullying prevention, equity and inclusive education and engaging parents/caregivers in bullying prevention. Additional resources also available on bullying prevention, including consent guides for students, parents or caregivers, and educators.
Dental health
Resources from KFL&A Public health to download or print
Coming soon!
Classroom resources
Resources | Grade level |
Healthy Snacking Kit. Snacks for a Healthy Smile (2022)
This kit includes a clown apron activity that allows students to identify healthy foods and drinks to consume between meals that promote good dental health and good overall health. Handout activity for students encourages them to think about their own favourite snacks. The kit also includes handouts for parents about the importance of baby teeth and healthy snack ideas. Borrow this resource.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Oral Health Teaching Kit (2022)
This kit contains a stuffed dinosaur with a large mouth model and a large toothbrush for demonstration purposes. The teaching kit also has books about going to the dentist and keeping your teeth healthy, as well as a class set of toothbrushes and resources to photocopy for students to use in class or home. Students will learn why eating healthy foods, good oral hygiene, and visiting a dental professional are an important part of keeping your body healthy. Borrow this resource.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Tooth Anatomy (2016)
This kit contains a large 3D model of one quadrant of the mouth with removable parts and information about parts and layers of teeth. Poster on the progression of tooth decay; "How a Cavity Forms" is also included. Borrow this resource (Resource number: 14106).
Primary (Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Toothie in Toothland
This video tells the tale of the importance of teeth. Includes a demonstration of proper teeth brushing technique. Borrow this resource.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Food and eating
Building food skills and familiarity with a variety of foods is one of the best ways that nutrition education can support young students. Through an inclusive and food neutral approach, educators can help students to develop a positive relationship with eating and learn to enjoy a variety of foods.
Children are concrete thinkers, and it is not until age 12 that they start to understand abstract concepts such as nutrition. For students in Kindergarten to Grade 8, rather than emphasizing the health benefits of certain foods, try to inspire curiosity about food through experiential learning and food exploration.
Try to talk about all foods in a neutral manner. Labelling foods into “good or bad”, “healthy or unhealthy” categories promote “all or none” thinking without considering the many factors that influence eating patterns, including food skills, convenience, food availability, and socioeconomic and family situation. It is important that educators do not comment on student lunches. Students have variable amounts of control over the food they eat at home and the food they bring to school. School mealtime roles should be as follows:
- Parents and caregivers decide what foods are packed for meals and snacks.
- Schools decide when and where students eat.
- Students decide whether and how much to eat from what was packed. This includes the order in which they eat their food items.
Resources from KFL&A Public health to download or print
Coming soon!
Classroom resources
Resources | Grade level |
Agriculture Classroom Canada
A curriculum connected resource matrix that includes activities, learning kits, lesson plans and posters that focus on key topics in agriculture.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
At my Best
A free comprehensive curriculum supported toolkit for children, to promote and develop their overall wellness. It addresses physical activity, healthy eating, and emotional well-being. It aims to support children's optimal physical and emotional development, by inspiring and motivating them to make healthier choices today, and to develop lifelong healthy habits. Developed by Physical & Health Education Canada, with support from AstraZeneca Canada.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Canada's Food Guide in the Classroom
This series of digital lesson plans will guide students in learning about Canada’s Food Guide and facilitate a deeper understanding of concepts within the guide. Students can apply their learnings to real world scenarios and apply critical thinking skills to health messages.
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Teach Nutrition - Dairy Farmer's of Canada
Tools and resources created by registered dietitians for educators. Activities are grade specific and focus on topics such as: sensory exploration through food, Canada’s food guide, and the Canadian food cycle.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Co-Co's Adversmarts
An interactive unit on food marketing.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Food Literacy toolkits - KFL&A Public Health
Includes lesson plans and activities for primary, junior, and intermediate grades; recipes and kitchen tools. Borrow this resource (resource number HE - 400)
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Food Model Cards - KFL&A Public Health
Food photographs on 5" x 7" cards with food name on back. Includes single food items, mixed dishes, and multicultural foods. Borrow this resource (resource number 14155)
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Nutrition Education Consulting
lessons and activities to support educators with evidence-informed, child-centered nutrition information and tools. Materials support inclusive and positively framed education experiences for students that aim to improve food and eating knowledge, eating competences, attitudes, and habits.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Sustain Ontario
Visit Food Literacy and Children & Youth initiatives for hands-on teaching resources for educators; as well as case studies, evaluations, guides, and other resources for advancing education about our food and food system.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Teach Food First
Resources to aid educators in encouraging food exploration and cultivating positive relationships with food and eating. Lessons connect with Canada’s Food Guide and consider equity and cultural diversity.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Food is Science
Experiential, evidence-based resources to help educators understand and teach new food literacy learning in Ontario’s Science and Technology Curriculum
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Additional resources
Human development and sexual health
Sexual health is an important component to a person’s overall health and can encompass many topics and concepts, including but not limited to sexual development, consent, healthy relationships, abstinence and the development of a positive self-concept.
Teaching sexual health is best done through:
- Creating a safe, respectful, and accepting space for all students
- Using inclusive language to support all students
- Reflecting on personal values and biases prior to teaching
Classroom resources
Resources | Grade level |
Human Development and Sexual Educator Resource
This resource contains background information, classroom activities, and other helpful links that support the HDSH curriculum.
Download this resource
A separate Contraceptive and STBBI teaching kit is available that includes demonstration samples and other manipulatives.
Borrow this resource (resource number 14270)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8) |
A variety of animated videos to support teaching topics covered in the HDSH curriculum.
- It is recommended that you preview the video(s) first to ensure alignment with specific grade curriculum expectations being taught.
- Please reinforce STI and gender neutral language.
Determine if the introduction and conclusion character vignette is value added. Each video can easily be started and ended before these segments.
Primary (Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Human Development and Sexual Health - Grade 5 and 6 kit
This kit contains classroom activities and background information that support curriculum expectations. Borrow this resource (resource number 1410)
Junior (Grade 5 and Grade 6)
Teaching Sexual Health
Teacher portal and parent portal with evidence-based information, resources, and lesson plans to support teaching sexual health.
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Educator Guide - SIECCAN
Gender-Based Violence Prevention within School-Based Comprehensive Sexual Health Education.
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Additional resources
Immunization is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of vaccine preventable diseases. Educators can empower students to make informed health decisions by:
- Developing health and media literacy with students so they can assess credible sources of health-related information
- Facilitating open and non-judgmental discussions that are based in evidence
- Encouraging and teaching about coping mechanisms for Grade 7 and Grade 8 students who may have fears or anxiety related to school immunization clinics
Resources from KFL&A Public health to download or print
Coming soon!
Additional resources
- Vaccine Safety (Video)- Immunize Canada - 2-minute video on how vaccines work to keep people healthy, and their safety. (Grade level: Intermediate)
- Give Vaccines a Shot: A Guide to the Immune System - Science North - This webpage includes videos and recorded presentations, school programs, classroom materials and online activities for educators to help students understand vaccinations and their health. (Grade level: Junior, Intermediate)
- Teens, meet Vaccines - Public Health Agency of Canada - For teen-aged children. Describes how vaccines work, their safety, and the diseases they protect against. (Grade level: Intermediate)
- Immunize Canada: teacher’s Kit for integrating immunization education into grade 6 curriculum, includes a list of helpful resources for educators and students, such as children’s books about immunization, media smarts and digital literacy, and quizzes.
Infectious disease prevention
School staff can help reduce the spread of communicable childhood illnesses by practicing the following:
Teaching students about how infectious illnesses can be shared, and ways to prevent or reduce their spread
- Encouraging proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, discouraging the sharing of personal items (such as drinks, lip balms, utensils etc.)
- Using illness screening tools as needed
- Reminding students, families and staff to stay home when sick
- Being aware of requirements related to reportable diseases according to Section 265 of the Ontario Education Act
Resources from KFL&A Public health to download or print
Coming soon!
Classroom resources
Resources | Grade level |
Scrub Those Bugs: Tool Kit & Lesson Plans (2020)
developed to introduce students to the concept of germs and how to prevent their spread in a fun and interactive way. Emphasis is placed on the importance of hand washing and how to do it properly, as well as cough and sneeze etiquette. The kit contains Glow Germ Gel and Glow Bar (ultraviolet light that demonstrates germ contamination), as well as easy to follow grade specific lesson plans which include curriculum expectations, activities, and additional resources. Borrow this resource (Resource number 1490 A)
- Scrub Those Bugs Kindergarten to Grade 3 Lesson Plan
- Scrub Those Bugs Grade 4 to 6
- Scrub Those Bugs Grade 7 to 8
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Safety Practices for Preventing Infectious Diseases - OPHEA
Educator toolkit regarding safety practices students can use to keep themselves and others safe from infectious illnesses.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
The Scrub Club
Online resource for teachers, includes lesson-plans, infographics, videos, printable activities, and interactive demonstrations that show the importance of handwashing and cough-etiquette.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Hand-Washing Heroes - Government of Canada
Video to help children learn how to wash their hands for 20 seconds. Includes hand motions that children can follow along to.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Additional resources
Medical conditions (e.g., Asthma and anaphylaxis)
Resources from KFL&A Public Health to download or print
Coming soon!
Additional resources
Food Allergy Canada - Food Allergy Canada educates, supports, and advocates for the needs of people living with food allergies and the risk of anaphylaxis. This website includes educational resources for elementary and secondary schools.
Medical Conditions - Government of Ontario - This website has been developed to assist school boards, principals, teachers, staff and others who play an important role in helping to create safer environments for pupils with life-threatening allergies. It contains vital information on how to develop strategies to reduce the risk of anaphylaxis and how to respond in the event of an emergency, in compliance with Sabrina's Law.
Mental Health
Mental health is an essential component of overall health. Learning about mental health from a young age and developing skills to support positive mental health throughout their lives will help students to be healthier and more successful.
Educators are well positioned to teach students about maintaining mental health as part of their overall health. School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO) suggests the following:
- Keep the focus on positive mental health.
- Create a safe space where students feel comfortable taking in new information and expressing ideas.
- Be mindful of accessibility and inclusivity of Black, Indigenous, racialized, and 2SLGBTQI+ communities.
- Encourage participation, to the degree students are comfortable.
- Guide the conversation, keep it focused on the lesson, and avoid setting up opportunities for sensitive personal disclosures (offer ways to safely report personal or peer concerns, should they arise).
Resources from KFL&A Public Health to download or print
Coming soon!
Classroom resources
Resources | Grade level |
Kindergarten Connections - School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO)
This resource includes easy to implement, evidence-informed check-ins and activities that align with the Kindergarten Program expectations and are designed to help educators teach social-emotional skills and create mentally healthy classrooms.
Mental Health Literacy Lesson Plans - SMHO and OPHEA
These lesson plans can be used to support basic mental health literacy and social-emotional learning for students.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource - SMHO
Explore a variety of evidence-informed mental health practices that are easily incorporated into classroom routines. Includes activities for:
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Media Smarts
Free lesson plans to help educators meet digital media literacy curriculum requirements. These lesson plans will help students develop the skills needed to think critically about the media they consume, and to access, use and engage with digital media in an effective, responsible, and meaningful way. Lessons available in English and French.
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Common Sense Education
Free digital well-being and media literacy lessons for all grades that will help set your students up for success in our connected world. Help your students build positive habits around media and tech to support their well-being. (This is an American website but lesson plans and resources can be modified to reflect Canadian data.)
Additional resources
- School Mental Health Ontario - SMHO offers evidence-based mental health promotion and prevention programming designed to help students flourish and remain resilient as they journey through life.
- Teach Resiliency - PHE Canada - offers educators quality evidenced-based resources and tools to foster positive mental health and resiliency among students.
- Positive Mental Health Toolkit - Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health - Offers online modules to help schools promote positive mental health. The modules cover positive mental health, school connectedness, resiliency in school environments, school team relationships, and assessing comprehensive school health.
Personal safety and injury prevention
Resources from KFL&A Public Health to download or print
Coming soon!
Physical activity
Physical activity should be taught within the context of a healthy school, using the Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum Elementary or Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum Secondary. Quality Health and Physical Education programs:
- Are most effective when they are delivered in healthy schools and when students’ learning is supported by school staff, families, and communities.
- Use physical activity as a key vehicle for student learning.
- Are physically and emotionally safe places to learn.
- Are student-centred and skill-based.
- Are balanced, integrated, and connected to real life.
Teaching tips for physical activity
As an educator, you can make physical activity inclusive for all your students by focusing on:
- Incorporating physical activity into the classroom whenever possible.
- Providing students with meaningful feedback regarding their skills and effort.
- Modifying games for the group (e.g., replace balls with rubber chickens or beach balls), which may help to shift the emphasis to fun rather than on structure and competition.
- Changing up the participants regularly, keeping it moving and mixing it up. This provides greater opportunity for a wide variety of student participation, regardless of skill level.
- Introducing a variety, choice and non-traditional activities to suit different interests and skills. Ask students what they like to do, incorporate these ideas, or let students create the games.
- Introducing individual and recreational activities such as walking, running, dancing, yoga, hiking, weight lifting, and gymnastics.
Classroom resources
Resources | Grade level |
Canadian Active Living Fitness (Thompson) Circuit Cards (2005)
Set of 36 laminated circuit cards consisting of cardiovascular, strength, balance, and flexibility exercises with illustrated pictures. A teachers' manual, and two full-scale anatomy charts are included. Excellent for hallway and gym circuits to support DPA, and the H&PE curriculum. Borrow this resource (Resource number 14452)
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Circuit Training Equipment (2008)
Circuit training equipment includes items such as; mini cones and hurdles, dice, beanbags, wobble balls, and skipping ropes. Can be used independently, or in conjunction with the Canadian Active Living Fitness (Thompson) Circuit Cards. Borrow this resource (Resource number 1213)
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Omnikin Balls and Pump - includes 6 small Omnikin balls (2008)
Lightweight balls can be used for a variety of fun, cooperative, and active games. Instruction and activity manual is included. Borrow this resource (Resource number 14513)
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
OPHEA Daily Physical Activity Kit (2010) Grade 1 to Grade 3
The kit includes all DPA activities created by OPHEA over the past four years. Also included are the DPA Moving to Music, DPA in Action DVD, Dancing for DPA, and the famous '50 Fitness Activities'. Borrow this resource (Resource number 14621)
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3) |
OPHEA Daily Physical Activity Kit (2010) Grade 4 to Grade 6
The kit includes all DPA activities created by OPHEA over the past four years. Also included are the DPA Moving to Music, DPA in Action DVD, Dancing for DPA, and the famous '50 Fitness Activities'. Borrow this resource (Resource number 14622)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6) |
OPHEA Daily Physical Activity Kit (2010) Grade 7 and 8
The kit includes all DPA activities created by OPHEA over the past four years. Also included are the DPA Moving to Music, DPA in Action DVD, Dancing for DPA, and the famous '50 Fitness Activities'. Borrow this resource (Resource number 14623)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8) |
Parachute Activity Pack (2005)
Pack provides a variety of fun and active parachuting games and activities for use in classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds. Borrow this resource (Resource number 14409)
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Yoga Kit (2011)
This kit, created to support DPA, as well as the HP&E curriculum, consists of 25 yoga mats, a set of illustrated, colourful yoga cards, and two DVDs designed for use in the classroom, and in physical education class. Borrow this resource
Primary (Grade 1 to Grade 3)
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Additional resources
Sedentary behaviour
Sedentary behaviour refers to lying down or seated activities that use very little energy while awake.
Reduce sedentary behaviour during the school day.
The classroom has been shown to account for a large percentage (up to approximately 40%) of sedentary time accumulated by children during the weekday.
The International Recommendations for School-related Sedentary behaviour recommend incorporating scheduled and unscheduled movement breaks into the day:
- Break up long periods of sedentary time at least once every 30 minutes for students aged 5 to 11 years, and at least once every hour for students aged 12 to 18 years.
- Ensure that screen time in school is meaningful and serves a specific teaching purpose that enhances learning compared to alternative methods.
- When screens are necessary, time spent on devices should be limited and students should take a device break at least once every 30 minutes.
- Students should be discouraged from media-multitasking in the classroom and during homework.
Resources from KFL&A Public Health to download or print
Coming soon!
Resources from KFL&A Public Health to download or print
Coming soon!
Substance use (including alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, vaping, etc.)
Educating students about substances is best done by:
- delivering over multiple lessons,
- making cross curricular connections (français) between personal choices related to substance use, potential outcomes, and healthy coping skills (pg. 64 – HPE curriculum 2019 & CCSA),
- creating a safe nurturing environment in the classroom for learning. For example, developing trust, open communication and using non-stigmatizing language (Français), and
- engaging parents and caregivers to enhance programming.
Resources from KFL&A Public health to download or print
Coming soon!
Classroom resources
Resources | Grade level |
Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours (cannabis and vaping) (français).
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Health Canada Experiences
Offers a variety of information and resources to help educators increase teens’ awareness of the potential effects of substances. Substance programs include; Get the Facts (grade 4 to grade 6), Know More Opioids, Pursue Your Passion (Grade 7 to grade 12), Consider the Consequences of Vaping, and Harms of Substance Use Stigma (français).
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
YMCA Youth Cannabis Awareness Program
Offers in person or virtual workshops and webinars, fact sheets, links, and other resources (français).
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Cannabis and Mental Health
Provides a variety of resources and activities around mental health and substance use. Activities can be added into course content or used to create lessons (français).
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Not an Experiment
An interactive website reviewing dangers of vaping created by Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit. Lesson plan available (français)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Behind the Haze
An interactive website reviewing the harms of vaping (available in English only)
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
My Brain My Choice
KFL&A Public Health’s multi-component program designed to delay or prevent substance use in youth. The program includes a presentation by a public health nurse, a take-home resource for parents and caregivers, as well as a variety of classroom activities to support educators
Contact Healthy Schools or your school's public health nurse for information or to book
Grade 6
Sun Safety
Resources from KFL&A Public Health to download or print
Coming soon!