- Addictions and Mental Health Services - KFLA crisis line - Community-based mental health and addiction services and supports for people with addictions or serious mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia, psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder), including case management, housing, problem gambling or gaming, and crisis services.
- Kingston and Frontenac 613-544-4229 or 1-866-616-6005
- Lennox & Addington 613-354-7388 or 1-800-267-7877
- Adult Mental Health Program - Kingston Health Sciences Centre - Interdisciplinary interventions for people aged 18+ that are experiencing mild to moderate mental health concerns. General Services provide non-urgent, short-term interventions, including individual assessment, group psychotherapy, psychiatric consultation and prescribed pharmacological treatment. Urgent services include Emergency Psychiatric Assessment, Treatment & Health (EmPATH) Clinic, as well as the Intensive Transitional Treatment Program; referrals are made directly from KHSC Emergency Department and Urgent Care Centre. Referral information is available.
- Anxiety Canada - Information and free digital programs to help manage anxiety in adults, youth, and children. The MindShift® CBT app uses cognitive-behavioural therapy strategies to manage anxiety, and offers a feature to find and offer peer-to-peer support. My Anxiety Plan is an online anxiety management program based on cognitive-behavioural therapy; programs are available for adults and to help parents/caregivers to support children and teens.
- Babaamendam Trauma-informed Care - Ontario Native Women's Association - An Indigenous based trauma informed approach to wholistic healing for self-identified Indigenous women who are survivors of human trafficking and those impacted by violence and trauma.
- Be There - Jack.org - An online resource with advice on how to support peers with mental health concerns.
- Bereaved Families of Ontario-Kingston - Support groups for people who have experienced or are preparing for a death, including survivors of suicide.
- Boots on the Ground Anonymous and confidential volunteer-run peer support helpline for first responders – including police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, corrections officers, and emergency dispatch operators, and civilian members. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- BounceBack Ontario - A skills-building program with telephone coaching to help manage symptoms of depression and anxiety, funded by the Government of Ontario to increase access to psychotherapy service. BounceBack is a shared care model. Primary care providers in walk-in clinics can take on short-term clinical responsibility for clients to enable their participation. Clients without a regular primary care provider have the option of working through the materials independently without telephone coaching.
- CBT for psychosis - Institute for Advancements in Mental Health - Cognitive behavioural therapy tailored to those affected by psychosis, including individuals experiencing serious mental illness, their families and caregivers, and community service workers.
- Camp Outlook -Free year-round wilderness camping trips for youth (13-17) in KFLA experiencing social, behavioural, economic, and other challenges that focuses on strengthening young people’s sense of self-worth and life skills. Youth must be referred by a agency, school, or healthcare provider.
- Catalyst Program Crystal meth contingency management - Kingston Community Health Centre - A 16-week program with support from an addictions counselor, occupational therapy, registered nurse, and community support worker.
- Centre for Abuse and Trauma Therapy - Psychotherapy and support for people who have experienced recent or past abuse or trauma.
- Child and Youth Mental Health Program - Kingston Health Sciences Centre - The southeastern Ontario regional program for children and youth experiencing mental health disorders. Referral information is available.
- Child and Youth Telemental Health - Hospital for Sick Children - Provides telepsychiatry for children and youth up to 18 years of age and their families living in remote and rural communities. Referral form - to be completed by primary care provider or mental health agency worker, along with the client's case manager
- Child and Youth Urgent Consult Clinic - Kingston Health Sciences Centre - Rapid access to risk assessment and brief intervention for child and youth who are presenting with suicidal/homicidal ideas; threats of violence; dyscontrol due to drugs or psychosis, or other urgent mental health concerns. Tele-psychiatry available for patients who live more than an hour away. Referrals come the KHSC emergency department and urgent care centre, as well as referrals from primary care, school boards, and children’s mental health agencies.
- Children's Outpatient Clinic - Kingston Health Science Centre - A walk-in emergency clinic for pediatric patients. Available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Community High Intensity Treatment Team - Providence Care - Intensive support services provided by Assertive Community Treatment Teams for people with serious and persistent mental illness in Lennox and Addington Counties. Consultation, support, and capacity enhancement for primary care and service providers from other sectors who contribute to the ongoing care of client population in rural Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington Counties. Physician referral form - South Eastern Ontario addictions and mental health service access form
- ConnexOntario - Free and confidential support to find services for problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling. Information includes where the service is located, how to access the service, and how long the wait to access service may be.
- Developmental Disabilities Consulting Team - Queen's University - An interprofessional service and teaching program focused on the complex health and mental health needs of people with developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. Physician referral is required for psychiatry. Clinical psychology and Occupational therapy services are fee based. Physician referral form
- Dual Diagnosis Consultation Outreach Team - Providence Care - Assessment, consultation, and time-limited treatment for people with an intellectual or developmental disability and a mental illness, addiction, and/or behavioural disorder. Consultation, support, and capacity enhancement for primary care and service providers from other sectors who contribute to the ongoing care of client population in their home community. Dual diagnosis consultation outreach team referral form (PDF)
- Enhanced Youth Outreach Worker - Maltby Centre - Supports for at-risk youth aged 12 to 21 and their families including clinical counselling and connections with services, in the Kingston census metropolitan area (including Odessa, Amherstview and Verona).
- Every Day Mental Health classroom resource - School Mental health Ontario - Easy-to-implement, evidence-informed practices that support children’s mental health. Many of the practices can be used by parents outside of the classroom.
- Family Resource Centre - Addiction and Mental Health Services-KFLA - Education and support groups for family members of people with mental health concerns.
- Farmer Wellness Program - Offers farmers and their families four free counselling sessions with a professional. Available to OFA members who live in Hastings, Lennox and Addington, Northumberland, Prince Edward, and Lanark counties.
- FASD - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Parent Action Group of Southeastern Ontario - A support and advocacy group for family members of people with FASD.
- Food For You, Food For Two Prenatal Nutrition Program - KFL&A Public Health - A prenatal education and nutrition program for pregnant women, teens and their support persons. Groceries and childcare provided each week as well as prenatal vitamins to those in need. Transportation may be available.
- Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington Addiction and Mental Health Discussion - If you are a health care provider and would like to learn how you can include Shared Care Discussions into your practice, please call 613-530-2400
- FUSE Youth Group - Addictions and Mental Health KFLA, and One Roof - A peer support group for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth.
- Game Changer resources - Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) - Resources to help youth understand more about mental health and substance use, and to help caregivers and supportive adults to start conversations about these important topics.
- Good2Talk Post-secondary Student Helpline - 1-866-925-5454 or text GOOD2TALKON to 686868 - Professional counselling, information, and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for post-secondary students. Support available by phone, text, and Facebook messenger.
- Good Minds - Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte - Mental health and addiction services through a cultural lens for Indigenous children, youth and adults. Mobile services available for children and youth in KFL&A.
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- Indigenous Healthy Babies Healthy Children - Ontario Native Women's Association - A voluntary program that supports Indigenous families with children, prenatal to 6 years, in providing the best opportunities for healthy development through family home visiting, service coordination, and referrals.
- Institute for Advancements in Mental Health - 1-855-449-9949 - Provides supportive counselling, system navigation, and information and education to individuals living with complex mental illness, caregivers, and communities. One-to-one support is available weekdays from a team of mental health counsellors (email support@iamentalhealth.ca)
- Integrated Care Hub - Street Health - Kingston Community Health Centre - A safe and welcoming space that provides low-barrier access to harm reduction supplies, consumption and treatment services, basic needs, support, community, and referrals. Available 23 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Intensive Community Crime Prevention - One Roof Youth Hub - Connects youth aged 16 - 24 with the highest needs – particularly those who are unwilling or unable to access other community treatment programs – with supports and services to reduce criminogenic risk factors (e.g., prior and current offenses, antisocial personality or behaviours, family conflict, negative peer influences), including clinical therapy, crisis management, and resources and referrals.
- KAIROS - Youth Diversion - Counselling service for youth who are experiencing any level of substance abuse, personally or with a family member. Services are available in different settings, including elementary schools throughout KFL&A and secondary schools in Kingston and Frontenac.
- Kids Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868 - Professional counselling, information and referrals available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help children and youth with problems - big or small. Website includes resources to help with common challenges.
- Kingston Area Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team (MCRTT) and Crisis Outreach and Support Team - 911 - These programs are operated in partnership with Kingston Police, AMHS-KFLA Crisis Workers are paired with specially trained front-line officers from the Kingston Police. These teams will respond to emergency and non-emergency mental health-related calls from within the community as a uniformed response (MCRRT), 7 to 4 a.m. 7 days per week, and plainclothes follow up team by appointment (COAST). These teams are dispatched as appropriate to respond and follow up to 911 calls and aim to better support individuals in crisis and divert individuals from emergency rooms where possible.
- Kingston Community Health Centres - Counselling and therapy services for individuals, couples, youth, and families, as well as group programs to promote skill development related to self-care, wellness, and managing powerful emotions. Intended for those who cannot access services through private benefits or afford fee-based services.
- Kingston Interval House crisis line - 613-546-1777 or 1-800-267-9445 - 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, second stage transitional housing, counselling, and support for women, children and youth who have experienced family violence.
- Kingston Military Family Resource Centre - Mental health and well-being services and supports for military families, medically-releasing Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members or medically-released veterans and their families; including walk-in sessions, counselling, self-help groups, and navigation.
- Lennox & Addington Interval House crisis line - 613-354-1010 or 1-800-667-1010 - 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, second stage transitional housing, counselling, and support for women, children and youth who have experienced family violence.
- Lennox & Addington Mobile Crisis Intervention Team (MCIT) - AMHS-KFLA Crisis Workers and L&A OPP officers work together better support individuals in crisis and divert individuals from emergency rooms where possible, 8:30a.m. to 7:30 p.m., 7 days a week. AMHS-KFLA Crisis Workers provide immediate support to individuals in crisis and referrals to community and agency services. This service is by police referral through 911.
- LGBT Youth Line - Peer support through telephone, text and chat services. Sunday to Friday 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
- Living Well Southeast Ontario - Evidence-based self-management trainings and workshops for individuals, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to help people live healthier, including workshops on mental health and children’s mental health.
- Maltby Centre - Mental health services including walk-in counselling clinics, ongoing mental health treatment services (individual, family, group), intensive in-home coaching, crisis intervention, psychoeducational groups (e.g., parenting your anxious child), and access to psychiatry and psychology consultation for clients in service. Manages the centralized triage that includes the Child and Youth Mental Health Program at Kingston Health Sciences Centre.
- Maltby Centre crisis support - Immediate, professional support for children and youth in crisis. After hours access provided through AMHS-KFLA Crisis Services.
- Mental Health 101 e-courses - CAMH - Online courses to understand a range of mental health concerns. Courses available in French
- Mental Health Walk-in Clinic for Transition Age Youth - Maltby Centre - A first-come, first-served counselling session that combines a solution-focused therapeutic conversation and consultation on available service options.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing - Arthritis Society - Online learning programs for those with arthritis to learn more about mental health and how to support it.
- Métis Healthy Babies Healthy Children - Métis Nation of Ontario - A voluntary program that supports Metis families with children, prenatal to 6 years, in providing the best opportunities for healthy development through family home visiting, service coordination, and referrals.
- Métis Nations of Ontario - Community wellness, violence against women and children, and mental health and addiction services through a cultural lens, including counselling and specialist services such as psychology, psychiatry, and parent coaching. A 24 hour Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line is available at 1-877-767-7572.
- Mind Your Mind - A resource for youth to get information and support for mental health and well-being.
- Mood Disorders Research and Treatment Service - Providence Care - Assessment, consultation, and time-limited treatment for adults with complex, treatment-resistant mood disorders and who are experiencing significant functional impairment. Consultation, support, and capacity enhancement for primary care and service providers from other sectors who contribute to the ongoing care of client population in their home community. Physician referral form - Providence Care - South Eastern Ontario Addictions and Mental Health Service access form.
- Mother Matters - Women’s College Hospital - An eight week online support group for women with mood and adjustment challenges following the birth of their baby.
- Motherwise - Addictions and Mental Health Services (KFLA) - A free, confidential service that uses a harm reduction framework to support individuals who are pregnant or parenting children under age 6 who are experiencing addiction issues. Participants do not have to have custody of their children to receive support.
- Napanee Area Community Health Centre - Counselling and therapy services for individuals, couples, youth, and families, as well as group programs to promote skill development related to self-care, wellness, and managing powerful emotions. Also provides free naloxone, the drug that temporarily reverses an opioid overdose.
- National Overdose Response Service (NORS) - 1-888-688-6677 - A harm reduction hotline that provides confidential, nonjudgmental overdose prevention 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Call before using drugs to connect with someone who will help access emergency support services in the case of overdose or poisoning. Safer drug use education, mental health first aid, and referrals available.
- The New Mentality - The Maltby Centre - Youth Advocacy and Support, united through their commitment to eliminating stigma around mental health issues.
- 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Hotline – Call or text 9-8-8 – Access to a trained responder to listen without judgement, provide support and understanding, and help find resources to cope, live, and thrive. While the focus of 9-8-8 is suicide prevention, no one who reaches out to the service will be turned away. 9-8-8 is led and coordinated by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and funded by the Government of Canada.

- One Roof Youth Services Hub (Facebook) - A hub where youth can access services from multiple agencies in one location, including mental health and addiction services.
- Opioid Substitution Treatment Programs - Substitution treatment for people with an opioid use disorder is available through a number of sites within KFL&A. A complete list is available at the South East Health Line website.
- Parenting in KFL&A - Registered nurses answer questions on pregnancy, breastfeeding, infant feeding, normal child growth and development, adjusting to motherhood, parenting, and more. Call 613-549-1154 or 1-800-267-7875, ext. 1555. Or Join the conversation on our Facebook Page to receive daily parenting information about nutrition, breastfeeding, development, pregnancy and more.
- Parents for Children’s Mental Health (Kingston chapter) - A support group for parents raising children and adolescents with mental health concerns.
- Peer Support Services of Southeast Ontario - Peer support programs and services for people experiencing mental health and/or addiction concerns.
- Perinatal Mental Health Service - Psychology Clinic at Queen’s University - Support for new and expecting parents at risk of difficulties with adjustment during the perinatal period as well as those with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and/or depression.
- Perinatal Mood Disorder Support Groups - (Facebook) - Contact Parenting in KFL&A for an up to date list of support groups available in the region.
- Personality Disorders Service - Providence Care - Group-based speciality care for non-psychotic adults who have a diagnosis of a personality disorder. Consultation, support, and capacity enhancement for primary care and service providers from other sectors who contribute to the ongoing care of client population in their home community. Physician referral form.
- Postpartum Support International - Online support groups and a toll-free help line to support those experiencing mental health concerns in the perinatal period.
- PTSD Coach Canada - Veterans Affairs Canada - A mobile app with information and self-help tools based on current research to help manage symptoms ofPost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The non-interactive components of the app can be accessed on the website. Originally created for military personnel but can be used widely, including by family and friends.
- Problem Gambling and Gaming Program - Addiction and Mental Health Services-KFLA - Community counselling and treatment to manage gambling, gaming, and process addictions.
- Psychology Clinic at Queen's - Psychological assessment and treatment services for difficulties with learning, attention, behaviour, communication or other issues that make day-to-day life difficult.
- Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic - Street Health Centre (Kingston Community Health Centre - A low-barrier, walk-in clinic that provides time-limited medical addiction care, including pharmacotherapy, brief counselling, and referrals to community services. The RAAM clinic is located at the Street Health Centre.
- Recovery College - Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences - Virtual and in-person courses for learning about managing mental health conditions, strategies for supporting wellness, and discover or rediscover passions, hope, and meaning. The courses are free and open to everyone.
- Recovery College - Providence Care - Education and opportunities to support mental health, wellness, and recovery through an adult learning approach. Courses are co-designed and co-delivered by a service provider and a peer facilitator with lived experience of mental health challenges or addictions. Courses are open to people with all levels of education and during all stages of recovery.
- Regional Outreach-Specialty Mental Health - Providence Care - Assessment and time-limited clinical services for adults with serious mental illness. Consultation, support, and capacity enhancement to support primary care and other providers to contribute to the ongoing care of adults with serious and persistent mental illness.
- Resolve Counselling Services - A variety of programs and services to support individuals, couples, and families overcome challenges that affect their emotional and social well-being.
- RiseUp, Kids Help Phone - Text RISE to 686868 - 24 hours a day, seven days a week bilingual e-mental health support service for Black youth. Services are informed by the rich cultures and diverse lived experiences of African, Caribbean, and Black youth and communities
- Self-help booklet series - Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) - A resource for people with intellectual disability that can be used with the support of family members and other supportive adults to help make plans to take care of their mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. These resources have useful advice for coping with difficult emotions
- Seniors Mental Health Behaviour Support Service Providence Care - Time-limited inter-professional outpatient services to older adults living with dementia, late-onset complex mental health needs, substance use, neurological disorders, and associated changes in behaviour. Consultation, support, and capacity enhancement for primary care and service providers from other sectors who contribute to the ongoing care of client population in their home community.
- Sexual Assault Centre Kingston - Free, confidential support services for survivors of recent or historical sexual violence, regardless of gender or identity.
- Sexual Assault Family Violence Program - Kingston Health Science Centre - Specialized care for victims of sexual assault or violence behaviour. Accessed through the Emergency Department or Urgent Care.
- Sexual Assault Family Violence Program - Lennox & Addington County General Hospital -Specialized care for victims of sexual assault or violence behaviour. Accessed through the Emergency Department.
- Smoking Cessation Service - Health Connect Ontario Call 811 – Support, coaching, information, and referrals to help people quit smoking. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Street Health Centre - Kingston Community Health Centre - Mental health and substance use services provided through a harm reduction approach for communities marginalized from mainstream health services.
- Sunshine Call Program Frontenac Kingston Council on Aging - A program to reduce social isolation and loneliness among seniors through daily phone calls with a volunteer. Participating seniors will be introduced to other seniors through a conference call, if interested.
- Teens About Kids Health: Mental health learning hub - Hospital for Sick Children - Resources to help teens learn how to keep healthy mentally and physically, how to adjust to life with a chronic condition, the signs and symptoms of eating disorders and how to cope with trauma.
- TeleLink Mental Health - Hospital for Sick Children – A virtual consultation service that connects children and youth, caregivers, and care teams with mental health specialists. Referrals can be made by child and youth mental health agencies, school boards, family health teams, hospital outpatient programs, youth justice settings, and Indigenous services, and other community-based agencies providing child and youth mental health services.
- Telephone Aid Line Kingston - A confidential, anonymous, and non-judgmental volunteer-based support service. 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.
- Thrive - Kingston Community Health Centre - Kingston Community Health Centre - Support for women who are pregnant or parenting children under 6 years of age, who have struggled with substance use at some time during their life. Children do not need to be in the participant's care.
- Together We Conquer Mountains - A parent-run group for parents raising transgender and gender diverse children and youth.
- TransFamily Kingston - A peer support group for transgender people, family members, friends and allies.
- Trans Lifeline -1-877-330-6366 Peer support for transgender people. 10 to 4 a.m.
- Transgender Clinic - Kingston Community Health Centre - Counselling services for individuals who identify as transgender or intersex and their families, in addition to other gender-affirming medical services.
- Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Connecter - Youthub - Support and case management for youth with mild, moderate, and severe but stable mental health and addiction issues while they transition from one mental health system to another (child-adult) and/or connect to community supports.
- Trellis HIV and Community Care (formerly HARS) - Providing stigma-free HIV/AIDS education, Harm Reduction, and support services across Kingston and South Eastern Ontario.
- Victim Services of Kingston and Frontenac - Immediate, confidential short-term crisis intervention services, practical assistance, information and referral program to victims of crime and tragic circumstance. Manages and delivers the Victim Quick Response Program on behalf of the Ministry of the Attorney General. Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
- Victim Services of Hastings, Prince Edward, Lennox & Addington - Immediate, confidential short-term crisis intervention services, practical assistance, information and referral program to victims of crime and tragic circumstance. Manages and delivers the Victim Quick Response Program on behalf of the Ministry of the Attorney General. Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
- We Believe Survivors. Text 613-544-6424 or chat at WeBelieveSurvivors.ca - . A secure online chat and text service that provides emotional support, information, resources, and safety planning techniques to survivors of sexual violence, regardless of gender and/or identity. Available form noon to midnight, 7 days a week.
- We Matter - An Indigenous youth-led organization committed to Indigenous youth support, hope and life promotion
- Women's Program - Land O'Lakes Community Services - Assistance and counselling for women who have experienced or are experiencing abuse and/or violence in their lives. Mobile outreach service available in the northern areas of Lennox & Addington and Frontenac Counties.
- Youth Addictions Counselling - Addictions and Mental Health Services-KFLA Counselling and psychoeducation for youth in Lennox and Addington secondary schools and community with concerns about their own or someone else’s substance use.
- Youth Gambling/Gaming/Technology Addictions, Addictions and Mental Health Services-KFLA
- Counselling for young people and family members to address concerns related to gambling, gaming and technology. Concerns can include the nature of the activity, behaviour as a result of the activity, and the amount of time spent.
- Youth In Transition Program - Resolve Counselling - Supports for youth who are/were in the care of Family and Children Services to transition to independence.
- Youth Outreach Worker Program - Youth Diversion - A prevention and intervention program that supports at-risk youth in the Kingston census metropolitan area (including Odessa, Amherstview and Verona) better navigate and connect with services and pro-social opportunities in their communities.
- Youth Peer Support - Resolve Counselling - Social, emotional, and practical support through skill-building workshops and peer support programs. Youth Peer Support Workers with lived experience of homelessness, substance use, and recovery are matched with youth currently facing these challenges
- Youth Program - Rural Frontenac Community Services - Assists young people in accessing services to prevent homelessness, including services for mental health and substance use concerns.
- Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario (YWHO) - A walk-in, low-barrier services for youth aged 12 to 25 in a youth-friendly space. Contact the YWHO site for your area to find out more about the program and services offered through their site.